Crestone Peak Comprehensive Drilling Plan (CDP) in Boulder County

SPECIAL NOTE (July 30, 2018)

Pursuant to Rule 216.d.(4), the Director submits to the Commission her Finding of Suitability of Crestone Peak Resources Operating LLC’s Final CDP Containing All Conceptual Preliminary and Final CDP Plan Elements. With this Finding of Suitability, the Director has directed the Final CDP be placed on the Commission’s agenda for the October 29-30, 2018 hearing. A draft order of the Commission will be provided as part of the prehearing process.

SPECIAL NOTE (May 17, 2018)

The Final CDP Package will be posted to the COGCC website on June 20, 2018. An updated timeline and additional details are available below by clicking on "Description and Timing of Process".

SPECIAL NOTE (April 25, 2018)

The Final CDP Package will not be posted to the COGCC website on April 30, 2018 as previously planned. As part of the iterative process of developing the Comprehensive Drilling Plan (CDP) in Boulder County, COGCC is extending the timeline to allow Crestone Peak time to conduct a further evaluation of the location proposed in Section 1 of T1N R69W. A new timeline and additional details will be posted on COGCC's website shortly.

SPECIAL NOTE (January 24, 2018)

As part of the iterative process of developing the Comprehensive Drilling Plan (CDP) in Boulder County, the COGCC plans to extend the timeline to allow Crestone Peak to continue negotiations and location evaluation. COGCC and Crestone Peak received and are considering extensive public comments and will continue to work with Boulder County and other stakeholders, including surface and mineral owners. COGCC and Crestone Peak agreed that pushing the target hearing back to July 30, 2018 (from March 19) provides necessary additional time to continue negotiations with stakeholders with the goal of an improved final CDP. The new timeline and additional details will be posted to COGCC’s website shortly and COGCC will ensure that additional comment can be made as the CDP is refined. As part of this change, Crestone Peak will not be submitting its Final CDP to COGCC on January 29, 2018.

The purpose, scope and information requirements of CDPs are described in COGCC Rule 216. Unlike COGCC permits for individual oil and gas locations, CDPs address multiple locations and the associated infrastructure in a geographic area. Development of the CDP will include operator engagement with COGCC, CDPHE, CPW, Boulder County, the Town of Erie, and surface owners within the boundaries of the proposed CDP Area. Discussions about potential impacts and measures to minimize them are a formal part of the planning process. Availability of CDP documents and opportunities for public participation will be announced on the COGCC website.

Note - all dates below are subject to change

First Draft Preliminary:

Second Draft Preliminary:

Third Draft Preliminary:

Fourth Draft Preliminary:

Final CDP:
Final CDP Package (June 20, 2018)
Supplement Map Showing Observed Eagle Nest (July 27, 2018)
• Public Comment Portal – Final Draft (available June 20, 2018 to July 8, 2018) CLOSED
Public Comments – Final Draft
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) Comments – Final Draft
Boulder County Comments – Final Draft
City of Boulder Comments – Final Draft
Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) Comments – Final Draft

COGCC Director's Finding Of CDP Suitability:
Finding Of CDP Suitability (July 30, 2018)

The Public Comment period for the Final CDP Package closes on July 8, 2018. If the Director finds the Final CDP satisfies the Final CDP Plan Elements articulated by COGCC Staff and satisfies the intent of a comprehensive plan for oil and gas exploration and development operations within a defined geographic area, the Director will file a hearing application with the Commission requesting the Commission to consider adoption of the CDP at its October 29-30, 2018 hearing. The earliest the Director’s application could be filed is after the Public Comment period closes, but no later than July 27, 2018.

Crestone Peak will be required to obtain Oil and Gas Location Permits (Form 2A) for each oil and gas location proposed to be located within the CDP area. Each Form 2A application will have a public comment period independent from the CDP comment periods described above. Similarly, all Applications for Permit to Drill (Form 2) within the CDP area will have a separate public comment period. The public comment periods for a Form 2 and a Form 2A commence when the application is deemed complete by COGCC. COGCC Rules 305.b., 305.d.