Current Rulemakings
- Produced Water (DN 240900229) update link
- High Priority Habitat Maps (DN 241200329) update link
Upcoming Rulemakings
- Worker Certification - Anticipated in 2025.
- Underground Natural Gas Storage - Anticipated in 2025.
Past Rulemakings
- House Bill 10-1235 - Implementation
- House Bill 10-1235 - 1412-RM-03 Notice of Rulemaking Hearing
- House Bill 10-1235 - Stakeholder Meeting I - Notice (November 17, 2014)
- House Bill 10-1235 - Stakeholder Meeting I - Agenda (November 18, 2014)
- House Bill 10-1235 - Statement of Basis and Purpose (December 10, 2014)
- House Bill 10-1235 - DORA Email (December 10, 2014)
- Enforcement and Penalty - Rulemaking
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Draft Statement - Basis and Purpose (June 12, 2014)
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Stakeholder Meeting II - Agenda (July 16, 2014)
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Revised Draft - REDLINE Version (July 16, 2014)
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Revised Draft Rules - REDLINE Version (July 18, 2014)
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Revised Draft - Basis and Purpose (July 23, 2014)
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Revised Draft - Rules REDLINE Version (July 23, 2014)
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Revised Draft - Rules REDLINE Version (July 25, 2014)
- 1407-RM-01 Clean-Up Rulemaking - COGCC Presentation to the Commission (July 25, 2014)
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Final - Rules REDLINE (effective September 30, 2014))
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Final - Rules CLEAN (effective September 30, 2014)
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Final - Statement of Basis and Purpose (effective September 30, 2014))
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Notice of Hearing (June 12, 2014)
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Stakeholder Meeting Notice (June 12, 2014)
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Complete Rule(June 12, 2014)
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Complete Rules - REDLINE Version (June 12, 2014)
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Stakeholder Meeting I - Agenda (June 25, 2014)
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Stakeholder Comments and Pleadings
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - Stakeholder Meeting II Notice (July 10, 2014)
- Clean-Up Rulemaking 1407-RM-01 - COGCC Responses from Stakeholders (July 16, 2014)
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - House Bill 13-1278 (05/11/2013)
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - 1st Stakeholder Meeting Announcement (audio) (10/09/2013)
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - Hearing Audio December 17th
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - 1st Stakeholder Meeting Announcement (10/09/2013)
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - COGA Draft Redline (10/21/2013)
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - Western Resources Draft Response (10/21/2013)
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - December 16th Hearing Notice (10/25/2013)
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - Draft Rules (10/30/2013)
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - Notice of 11/22/2013 Stakeholder Meeting (11/13/2013)
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - Notice of 11/22/2013 Prehearing Conference (11/13/2013)
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - Revised Draft Rules - Clean (11/22/2013)
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - Revised Draft Rules - Redline (11/22/2013)
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - Draft Statement of Basis Purpose (12/09/2013)
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - Spill Report Rules Redline (12/10/2013)
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - Comments
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - Final - Adopted Statement of Basis Purpose (12/20/2013)
- Spill Reporting Rulemaking - Final - Adopted Spill Report Rules (12/20/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - 1st Stakeholder Meeting Announcement (06/14/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Analysis of Change from 2008 to 2013 by Species - (Corrected) (07/2/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Notice of Hearing and Appendix A (06/14/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Notice of Hearing and Appendix A - (Amended) (08/1/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Statement Of Basis and Purpose (09/10/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Prehearing Order (09/11/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - CPW - Internal Definitions for Maps (09/12/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - CPW - Response to Comments on the (09/12/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Revised RSO Map With All Species (09/16/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Revised RSO Maps for Bighorn Sheep Production Areas (09/16/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Analysis of Change From 2008 to 2013 by Species - (Corrected to Reflect Bighorn Sheep Map Changes) (09/16/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Agenda for July 31st Stakeholder Meeting (07/31/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Revised Shapefile RSO Map Layer for Big Horn Sheep for Detail Review (.3MB) (09/16/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Parks and Wildlife Presentation to the COGCC at September 17th Hearing (09/17/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Shapefiles With Proposed SWH and RSO Map Layers for Detail Review (75MB) (06/28/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Stakeholder Comments and Pleadings
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Final Adopted Wildlife Maps - Statement of Basis and Purpose
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Final Adopted Wildlife Maps - Appendix A (Clean)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Final Adopted Wildlife Maps - Appendix A (Redlined)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Final Adopted Wildlife Maps - Appendix VII Restricted Surface Occupancy Area Maps
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Final Adopted Wildlife Maps - Appendix VIII Sensitive Wildlife Habitat Maps
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Agenda for July 31st Stakeholder Meeting (07/31/2013) audio
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Agenda for June 26th Stakeholder Meeting (06/26/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Agenda for June 26th Stakeholder Meeting (06/26/2013) audio
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Executive Summary of Proposed Rulemaking - (Corrected) (06/26/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Rule Changes Redline (06/14/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Proposed Sensitive Wildlife Habitat Map (06/14/2013)
- Wildlife Map Rulemaking - Proposed Restricted Surface Occupancy Map (06/14/2013)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Notice of Rulemaking Hearing
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Amended Notice of Rulemaking Hearing (11/07/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Draft Proposed Rule 609
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Rule 609 Conforming Rule Changes
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Revised Proposed Rule 609 (11/05/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Revised Proposed Rule 609 Redline (11/05/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - First Prehearing Order (10/26/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Second Prehearing Order (11/09/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Third Prehearing Order - Revised (12/06/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Fourth Prehearing Order (12/28/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Fifth Prehearing Order (01/04/2013)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Order Re: Withdrawal of Subpoena (12/06/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Hearing Agenda (11/09/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Hearing Audio (11/15/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Parties to Rulemaking, Prehearing Statements, Alternate Proposals, Rebuttal Statements
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Presentations
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Alternate Proposal Portfolio
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Request for Regulatory Analysis
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Regulatory Analysis pursuant to 24-4-103(4.5), C.R.S. (11/09/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Statement of Basis and Purpose (11/09/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Rulemaking Agenda for December 10th and 11th (12/07/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Hearing Audio (12/10/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Staff Revised Proposed Rule 609 (12/10/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Staff Revised Proposed Rule 318Ae4 (12/10/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Staff Rebuttal and Witness (12/24/2012)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Hearing Agenda January 7th, 8th and 9th (01/03/2013)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Comments
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Final Statement of Basis and Purpose Rule 609 and 318A.e.(4)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Final Rule 609
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Final GWA Rule 318A.e(4) (Corrected Redlined)
- Groundwater Rulemaking - Final GWA Rule 318A.e(4) (Corrected Clean Version)
- Statewide Setbacks - Stakeholder Meetings
- Statewide Setbacks - Notice of Rulemaking Hearing
- Statewide Setbacks - Amended Notice of Rulemaking Hearing (11/07/2012)
- Statewide Setbacks - Draft Proposed Setback Rule Changes (10/12/2012)
- Statewide Setbacks - Setback Rule Conforming Changes (10/12/2012)
- Statewide Setbacks - Revised Draft Rules - Clean (12/31/2012)
- Statewide Setbacks - Revised Draft Rules - Redline (12/31/2012)
- Statewide Setbacks - Staff Proposed Rules Revision 2 (01/07/2013)
- Statewide Setbacks - Stakeholder Draft Revision 2 (01/07/2013)
- Statewide Setbacks - Stakeholder Draft Revision - Clean (01/24/2013)
- Statewide Setbacks - Stakeholder Draft Revision - Redline (01/24/2013)
- Statewide Setbacks - Draft Revision 3 - Clean (02/11/2013)
- Statewide Setbacks - Draft Revision 3 - Redline (02/11/2013)
- Statewide Setbacks - First Prehearing Order (10/26/2012)
- Statewide Setbacks - Second Prehearing Order (12/04/2012)
- Statewide Setbacks - Third Prehearing Order (12/10/2012)
- Statewide Setbacks - Fourth Prehearing Order (12/28/2012)
- Statewide Setbacks - Motion to Strike Exhibits (01/06/2013)
- Statewide Setbacks - Hearing Agenda (11/09/2012)
- Statewide Setbacks - Executive Session Notice (01/15/2013)
- Statewide Setbacks - Notice of Hearing January 24th (01/18/2013)
- Statewide Setbacks - January 24th Hearing Agenda (01/23/2013)
- Statewide Setbacks - Notice of Hearing February 11th (02/04/2013)
- Statewide Setbacks - Parties Status
- Statewide Setbacks - Presentations
- Statewide Setbacks - Request for Regulatory Analysis
- Statewide Setbacks - Regulatory Analysis (11/09/2012)
- Statewide Setbacks - Statement of Basis and Purpose (11/09/2012)
- Statewide Setbacks - Rulemaking Agenda for December 10th and 11th
- Statewide Setbacks - COGCC Opening Testimony (12/10/2012)
- Statewide Setbacks - COGCC Setback Analysis Tools (01/08/2013)
- Statewide Setbacks - Hearing Agenda January 7th, 8th and 9th
- Statewide Setbacks - Hearing Audio January 7th, 8th and 9th
- Statewide Setbacks - Hearing Audio January 24th
- Statewide Setbacks - Comments
- Statewide Setbacks - Statement Of Basis And Purpose
- Statewide Setbacks - Final Rules
- Statewide Setbacks - Final Rules Redline
- Hydraulic Fracturing Rulemaking - Special Meeting Notice
- Hydraulic Fracturing Rulemaking - First Prehearing Order - Amended
- Hydraulic Fracturing Rulemaking - Draft Statement of Basis and Purpose
- Hydraulic Fracturing Rulemaking - Proposed Amendments
- Hydraulic Fracturing Rulemaking - Notice of Rulemaking Hearing - Amended
- Hydraulic Fracturing Rulemaking - Parties to Rulemaking
- Hydraulic Fracturing Rulemaking - Second Prehearing Order
- Hydraulic Fracturing Rulemaking - COGCC Response to Prehearing Statements, Exhibits and Alternate Proposals
- Hydraulic Fracturing Rulemaking - COGCC Recommended Clarification
- Hydraulic Fracturing Rulemaking - Comments
- Hydraulic Fracturing Rulemaking - Amended Notice of Continued Rulemaking for Deliberations
- Hydraulic Fracturing Rulemaking - Audio of the December 5th Rulemaking Hearing (205 MB)
- Hydraulic Fracturing Rulemaking - Final Modified Staff Proposal
- Hydraulic Fracturing Rulemaking - Audio of the December 13th Rulemaking Deliberations (18 MB)
- Hydraulic Fracturing Rulemaking - Order 1R-114 - Final Hydraulic Fracturing Disclosure Rule
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Amended 318A, (effective 9/30/2011)
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Proposed 318A Amendment After Comment Review with Horizontal Well Definition
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Proposed 318A Amendment After Comment Review
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Staff Presentation on GWA Amendments
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Industry Land Presentation
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Industry Geology Presentation
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Industry Engineering Presentation
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Industry Environmental Presentation
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Industry Presenters
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Chesapeake Exploration LLC Comment
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Broomfield County Comment
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Anadarko Petroleum, Nobel Energy, Encana Oil and Gas and PDC Energy Comment
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - K.P. Kauffman, Inc Comment
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - EOG Resources Comment
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Stakeholder Meeting Agenda
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Notice of Hearing
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Statement of Basis and Purpose
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Language Proposed to Change
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Full Rule Proposed Language
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - Staff Request for Commission to Set Matter for Hearing
- Proposed Amendments to Rule 318A - GWA Drilling and Spacing Exhibit
- COGCC Rule Making
- COGCC Amended Rules Redline
- Final Statement of Basis and Purpose
- Training Schedule (2009)
- Training Agendas - Denver - COGCC Conference Room March 9th and 10th
- Training Agendas - Denver - Colorado History Museum March 9th and 10th
- Training Agendas - Trinidad - Massari Theater March 11th
- Training Agendas - Wray - Wray City Hall March 12th
- Training Agendas - Greeley - Greeley Recreation Center March 13th
- Training Agendas - Grand Junction - City of Grand Junction Auditorium March 16th and 17th
- Training Agendas - Durango - La Plata County Fairgrounds March 19th
- Training Presentations - Chemical Inventory, Compliance Checklist, Tank Lableing - Rules 206, 206,& 210
- Training Presentations - Planning - Rules 216, 513, 1202
- Training Presentations - Overview of the Permit Process - Rules 303,305,306
- Training Presentations - Public Water Systems - Rule 317B
- Training Presentations - Miscellaneous Operational Rules - 300, 500, 800 Series
- Training Presentations - Safety Rules - Rules 600 - 604
- Training Presentations - Coalbed Methane Wells - Rule 608
- Training Presentations - Finacial Assurance - 700 Series
- Training Presentations - Air Quality and Odors - Rule 805
- Training Presentations - Exploration and Production Waste Management - 900 Series
- Training Presentations - Reclamation - 1000 Series
- Training Presentations - Wildlife - 1200 Series
- Training Presentations - Mapping Tools for Wildlife and Surface Water Supply Areas
- Training Presentations - Preview of Online Forms
- Permitting Handbook
- Frequently Asked Questions