Energy & Carbon Management Commission Announces Kristin Kemp as New Community Relations Manager

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Denver, CO (Sep. 27, 2024) - The Colorado Energy & Carbon Management Commission (ECMC) announced Kristin Kemp as the agency’s new Community Relations Manager. Kemp has more than 20 years of experience in strategic communications, including nearly eight years within the Department of Natural Resources at the State Land Board. Kemp will start on September 30.

“I’m delighted that Kristin is joining the ECMC team,” said Interim ECMC Director Aaron Ray. “She brings to ECMC expertise in energy-related communication, and I also welcome her enthusiasm for engaging Coloradans in ECMC’s work.”

The Community Relations Manager is ECMC's media liaison and leads the agency’s engagement efforts to ensure the public, industry, community groups, and local governments are informed about ECMC’s mission and welcomed to participate in the public rulemaking and regulatory processes for energy and carbon management.

“Civic engagement matters,” said Kemp. “I take seriously the responsibility of encouraging my fellow Coloradans to be active participants in the policies and rulemakings that shape our state’s energy and carbon future. I’m proud to join ECMC and support the mission.”

ECMC's former Community Relations Supervisor, Megan Castle, left in early August to take on the role of Communications Director at the Public Utilities Commission.

About the ECMC

The mission of the Colorado Energy & Carbon Management Commission (ECMC) is to regulate the development and production of the natural resources of oil and gas, deep geothermal resources, the capture and sequestration of carbon, and the underground storage of natural gas in a manner that protects public health, safety, welfare, the environment and wildlife resources. Visit the ECMC website for more information.