News Article

ECMC Produced Water Rulemaking - Revised Draft Rules Notice & Party Sign-up

Revised Draft Rules for the 2024 Produced Water Rulemaking (Docket No. 240900229) are available for review. The only change is the addition of Rule 905.c.(6).C. No dates or deadlines changed. The Revised Draft Rules are available HERE. To be a party to the Rulemaking please sign up HERE by 5 p.m. on 10/04/24. Para ser parte del proceso de elaboración de normas, regístrese Aqui.

Deep Geothermal Rules Order 1R-143

The Deep Geothermal Rules were published in the Colorado Register today, September 10, 2024. Pursuant to C.R.S. § 24-4-103 (5), "A rule shall become effective twenty days after publication of the rule as finally adopted. Once a rule becomes effective, the rule-making process shall be deemed to have become final agency action for judicial review purposes." Therefore, the Deep Geothermal Rules will become effective September 30, 2024.

ECMC Produced Water Rulemaking

The Commission is initiating a rulemaking on Produced Water pursuant to HB23-1242. The Commission is releasing initial "Strawdawg" Rules for consideration and to gather feedback from the public and stakeholders. The Strawdawg Rules are available HERE. The public comment form is available HERE. Comments are due by 11:59 p.m., Friday, September 13, 2024.

ECMC Support for Local & Tribal Government Renewable Projects

Pursuant to SB24-212 ECMC will now provide technical support at the request of local or tribal governments for the development of local codes governing renewable energy projects or the review of proposed renewable energy projects. ECMC will also coordinate with other state agencies like Colorado Parks and Wildlife and the Colorado Energy Office.

ECMC Support for Local & Tribal Government Renewable Projects

Pursuant to SB24-212 ECMC will now provide technical support at the request of local or tribal governments for the development of local codes governing renewable energy projects or the review of proposed renewable energy projects. ECMC will also coordinate with other state agencies like Colorado Parks and Wildlife and the Colorado Energy Office. Please click HERE or contact for more information.