News Article

COGCC Approves $18.25 Million Penalty for Firestone Tragedy

The Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) today announced it has approved the $18.25 million penalty against Kerr-McGee, a subsidiary of Occidental Petroleum, at an Online Special Hearing. Please see HERE for more information including Director Robbins' presentation.

Update To Local Government & LGD Webpage

The COGCC has updated the local government webpage including revisions to the LGD Program Fact Sheet (revised in 2020); the List of Participating LGDs; the LGD Registration (Online Form 29); Form 29 (LGD Registration) Submittal Instructions; and other information. Please go HERE for more information. If you have any questions, please email Marc Morton at

Mission Change Rules Released

On March 15th, the COGCC submitted to the CO Secretary of State notice of the Commission's SB 19-181 Mission Change Rulemaking. The Commission will conduct a rulemaking on its 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 and 600 Series Rules. The proposed rules can be viewed here. The COGCC will be announcing additional SB 19-181 rulemakings in the next few weeks.

COGCC Announces $18.25 Million Penalty for Firestone Tragedy

The COGCC today announced it is seeking an $18.25 million penalty, against Kerr McGee, a subsidiary of Occidental Petroleum. The penalty for the Firestone tragedy, which occurred April 17, 2017, is the largest enforcement penalty ever sought by the COGCC. The majority of these funds are proposed to be used to help to increase public safety by funding projects relevant to oil and gas flowline monitoring and air emissions. Click HERE for more information.

COGCC Professional Commission

The Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) today announced that applications are being accepted for its first professional commission, which will replace the current all-volunteer commission. For more information about the professional commission click HERE. To apply to serve on commission go HERE.