News Article

Draft 300 Series and 500 Series Rules

SB 19-181 Mission Change draft 300 Series and 500 Series rules are now available on the COGCC website HERE. These drafts are intended to allow for further stakeholder input, and are not Staff's final proposed draft rules.

COGCC Announces New Deputy Director Scott Cuthbertson

The Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) today announced that Scott Cuthbertson joined the division as Deputy Director of Operations. In his role, he will lead COGCC’s organizational operations, program and employee development.

Safety Alert !

COGCC has been made aware of a faulty piece of equipment installed on wellsite engines in the western U.S. The faulty valve configuration has the potential to release fuel gas into a hazardous atmosphere and could result in explosion or fire. Please read this bulletin for details and corrective actions necessary.

COGCC Opens Online Tool to Engage Public, Stakeholders in Rulemakings

The COGCC invites the public & all stakeholders to engage in its rulemakings by providing comment through its online portals. Part of the SB 19-181 implementation, the COGCC is conducting rulemakings on four topics: alternative location analysis, cumulative impacts, flowline, & mission change (protecting public health, welfare, environment and wildlife). Please see press release on media page HERE for more information.

COGCC Establishes Permitting Protocol for 1041 Areas

The Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) today announced how it will review permits within Weld County’s designated 1041 areas of state interest. Please see press release and associated MOU on media page HERE for more information.